Thank you @JeffreyGoldberg for writing this and @TheAtlantic for the courage to publish My “loser” uncle Dude’s name is carved in the wall of the missing of that cemetery I have always gotten great comfort knowing that. Shot down when he was 19 years old in 1942. The Dude abides
— Sandi Bachom (@sandibachom) September 4, 2020
I always respected our military but after I went to the Middle East on a USO Tour, I realized just how much they sacrifice for our freedom. I’m so grateful.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) September 4, 2020
Here’s some pics from trips to Walter Reid, Fort Hood and on the US Nimitz. #WeRespectVets #WeRespectOurMilitary
According to the Draft Dodger in the White House, I'm a "sucker" and "loser" for serving my country in Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan. #VeteransAgainstTrump #TrumpResign
— The Great War & Modern Memory (@ps9714) September 4, 2020
Every American should vote against Trumps re-election hearing this courageous Gold Star Father’s powerful plea in this ad. #VeteransAgainstTrump 👇🏽
— Capt M J Singleton 🇺🇸 (@NavyCaptRet63XX) September 2, 2020
This is me serving in Afghanistan. If I hadn’t made it back, would that have made me a loser too? #VeteransAgainstTrump #VoteVets
— Will Atkins (@WillAtkins4FL) September 4, 2020
Thx Sen. Kerrey @sethmoulton speaking out against @realDonaldTrump. The real “losers” and “suckers” are @DonJBacon @JeffFortenberry @SenSasse who can’t muster up strength to stand up for our veterans as Trumps erratic behavior brings America down. Vote @katejbolz @karaforcongress
— Jane Fleming Kleeb (@janekleeb) September 4, 2020
As a Veteran, I am disgusted to see Trump attack Americans citizens exercising their right to peaceful protest . I’m standing up against Trump so we can build a better future for everyone. This is why I joined #VetsAgainstTrump. Join us at @commondefense
— Marko Spasojevic (@M_J_Spasojevic) August 28, 2020
Father of Navy SEAL who died in raid in early days of Trump presidency issues a warning in ad#VeteransAgainstTrump #BidenHarris2020
— Kevin B. #VOTE! 📫 #BidenHarris2020 (@scooterdawg) August 28, 2020
STFU!!!! We want our country BACK! You and the #ComplicitCorruptGOP have violated our democracy and laws enough! #VeteransAgainstTrump #VeteransAgainstTrump #VeteransAgainstTrump #VeteransAgainstTrump #VeteransAgainstTrump #VeteransAgainstTrump #VeteransAgainstTrump
— ✊🏾ResistanceRob✊🏾 (@robeus49) August 28, 2020
We are. That's why you'll be gone soon. #VeteransAgainstTrump #VeteransAgainstTheGOP
— Jennifer #VeteransAgainstTrump (@hoopflow1) August 26, 2020
I am uplifted and cheered by the sheer volume of veterans who have not forgotten their oath! We need to leverage our voices to convince the #SupportOurTroops crowd that tRump is an enemy of this country! #VeteransAgainstTrump
— Julia (@notaDNB1) August 29, 2020
Seen it before. Defeated it before. #TrumpFascism #GOPFascism Not on my watch. #VeteransAgainstTrump
— afghanvet (@afghanvet) August 29, 2020
Air Force veteran against Trump here. Father was Air Force is against Trump. Grandfather was Army Air Corp. who is no longer with us but fought against Nazis and fascism in WWII … so yeah.#VetsAgainstTrump
— Rob Wills (@RobFramis) August 28, 2020